Ordering Ordering

  • We've made it really easy. To start a new order, click here and enter an order reference to begin. Then start searching for the products you want and simply add them to your order.

    If you don't already have an account with us, head here to set yours up.

  • Yes, you can order online 24/7 as long as your account is within its credit and payment terms. See our terms and conditions for more details. 

    Please remember, online order cut-off times vary throughout the year, check the Homepage, Service Updates or Order Centre for updates.

  • You can order by phone up until 6pm Monday to Friday, for next working day delivery. Please call 0800 252248.

    Please remember, online order cut-off times vary throughout the year, check the HomepageService Updates or Order Centre for updates.

  • Your items are reserved automatically as you add them to your order. Choose the items you want, click 'Reserve' and they're yours.

  • Yes, you can. Simply call us on 0800 252248 and start building your order.

  • Your stock is reserved automatically as you build your order. It’s ok to hold stock until the following day if your customer hasn’t yet confirmed, but we'd appreciate you removing any unconfirmed items as soon as you're able to so as not to prevent stock being available for other customers. Depending on demand, we can, at our discretion, remove stock from orders that remain unconfirmed after 48 hours.

  • ‘Pantone’ filters are displayed on category and brand pages, you’ll be able to use our quick search bar within the filter to search specific Pantone codes and select multiple Pantone codes at a time. This filter can be found underneath the existing filter named ‘Colour’.